Stretching biomolecules

RNA & Protein folding

Molecular Motors

Single molecule force spectroscopy

Deciphering the energy landscape of biomolecules

Polymer Physics


Research goal of our group is to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level by using simulations and theoretical tools based on chemistry and physics. Biological systems are maintained through interactions between biological constituents whose dynamics are characterized by the broad spectrum of time and length scales, thereby our primary interest ranges from self-assembly and mechanical response of biopolymers (DNA, RNA, and proteins) at the single molecule level to the interactions among those molecules ultimately responsible for the biological functions. Together with the current research interest, further studies toward understanding biological phenomena at the system level will be a long term research plan of our group.

Contact Information : Changbong Hyeon, Professor, School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 02455 , Republic of Korea
+82-2-958-3810 (tel)

© 2010 KIAS Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group