Three W's Seminar

Why, What, hoW?

Korea Institute for Advanced Study

Motivation for the seminar

This seminar is inspired by Idiot's Guide seminar and the New Member Seminar that used to be held at KIAS. Research talks often focus on what and how, but don't address the question of why the speaker finds the topic interesting. By encouraging speakers to avoid technical details and think about why, we hope to create a friendly seminar where:

  • All members of KIAS and visitors feel welcome.
  • Members can learn about areas of mathematics from a down-to-earth perspective.
  • Speakers can share the topics they are interested in with a wide audience.
  • People from all research areas can socialize.

We invite anyone interested in giving a talk to contact one of the organizers.

Advice to speakers

This seminar is oriented not to be a usual research seminar. We request that speakers avoid technical details and make the topic accessible to broader audience. Speakers may find it helpful to keep in mind the three questions suggested by the title of the seminar:

  1. "Why is it interesting to study this topic?"
  2. "What are the main ideas in this topic?"
  3. "How does one study this topic?"

Speakers may present their own theorems but it is neither necessary nor recommended. As we encourage stupid questions and a lively discussion, speakers should expect less material than in a usual research seminar.

Seminar Archive

You may find the details of the talks held in this seminar series below.

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Past seminars

Former organizers

  • Matthieu Sarkis
  • Sanghyeon Lee
  • Bhamidi Sreedhar
  • Jean-Emile Bourgine
  • Carlos Scarinci
  • Makoto Miura
  • Plinio Murillo
  • Thomas Goller
  • Byungdo Park