

          Publications and Preprints


              1. Free group actions on spaces homotopy equivalent to a sphere

                  (with K. Y. Ha, J. B. Lee),

                  Composito Mathematica, 120(3), (2000), 327~333 .

              2. Classification of free actions of finite groups on the 3-torus(II)

                  (with K. Y. Ha, S. W. Kim, J. B. Lee),

                  JP Jour. Geometry and Topology 1(1), (2001), 111~133.

              3.  Classification of free actions of finite groups on the 3-torus

                   (with K. Y. Ha, S. W. Kim, J. B. Lee),

                  Topology Appl. 121(2002), no.3, 469~507.

              4. Projective complete cohomological dimension of a group,

                  Int. Math. Res. Not. (2004), no. 13, 621~636.

              5. Multiple complexes and gaps in Farrell cohomology,

                  J. Pure App. Algebra 194(2004), 147~158.

              6. Varieties of nilpotent elements for simple Lie algebras. I. Good primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 280(2004), 719~737.

              7. On the asphericity of certain 2-complexes

                  (with J. B. Lee),

                  Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 36(2005), 3~10.

              8. Varieties of nilpotent elements for simple Lie algebras II: bad primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 292(2005), 65~99.

              9. Infinite-dimensional homotopy space forms

                  (with J. B. Lee),

                  Forum Math. 18(2006), 305~322.

             10. Support varieties for Weyl modules over bad primes

                  (with the University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group),

                  J. Algebra 312(2007), 602~633.

             11. A criterion for projective modules

                  Comm. Alg. 35(2007), 1577~1587.

             12. On vanishing of L^2-betti numbers for groups,

                 J. Math. Soc. Japan 59(2007), 1~14.

             13. Vanishing results for L^2-Betti numbers and L^2-Euler characteristics and their applications,

                 Internat. J. Math. 19(2008), 21 ~ 26.

             14. Periodic cohomology and subgroups with bounded Bredon cohomological dimension

                 (with B.E.A. Nucinkis),

                 Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 144(2008), 329~336.

             15. Complete homology and the related dimensions of a group,


             16. Periodic cohomology and projective complete cohomological dimension of a group,


             17. Group extensions and free actions by finite groups on solvmanifolds

                 (with J. B. Lee),


             18. Atiyah's theorem, Kan-Thurston construction, and Weak Bass Conjecture,


             19. On groups of type L^-1,






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