Name : JangHyun Jo

              Date of Birth : 1967. 9.28

              City and Country of Birth : Seoul, South Korea



            1990,  B.S. in Mathematics, Sogang University

              1992,  M.S. in Mathematics, Sogang University

              2002. 8,  Ph.D. in Mathematics, Sogang University

                           Thesis : Infinite-Dimensional Homotopy Space Forms

                           Advisor : JongBum, Lee (


          Academic Honors

              1989, Competition for university students in Mathematics

              (The Korean Mathematical Society)


          Military Service

             1992. 7. ~ 1994. 7,  Defense Security Command


          Experience of Job

             1995 ~ 1997,  LG Electronics


          Recent Grant Support

             2002. 7,   Post-doctoral Fellowships Program (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation)


         Experience of Teaching

             1998. 3. 1 ~ 1998. 8. 31,  Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (Sogang University)

             1999. 9. 1 ~ 2000. 2. 28,  Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (Sogang University)

             2000. 3. 1 ~ 2000. 8. 31,  Applied Mathematics 1 (Sogang University)

             2000. 9. 1 ~ 2001. 2. 28,  Applied Mathematics 2 (Sogang University)

             2001. 3. 1 ~ 2001. 8. 31,  Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (Sogang University)

        Theory of Numbers (Duksung Women¡¯s University)

             2001. 9. 1 ~ 2002. 2. 28, Applied Mathematics 2 (Sogang University)

             2002. 3. 1 ~ 2002. 8. 31,  Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2,

                                                 College Mathematics (Sogang University)

             2002. 8. 31 ~ 2002. 2. 28, Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1 (Sogang University)

             2003. 8. ~ 2004. 5, Differential Calculus, Differential Calculus Lab (Maple) (University of Georgia)




Copyright(c) JangHyun Jo, All rights reserved