Winter School on Mirror Symmetry 2010

Phoenix-Park, Pyeongchang, Korea , Jan. 4-9 2010
Topics: GW theory, (nc)DT/PT theory, Wall-crossing phenomena, Motivic Milnor fibers and Vector bundles


Kentaro Nagao, RIMS Kyoto University
-Lecture on non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory Abstract
Yunfeng Jiang, University of Utah
-Lectures on Behrend functions and counting invariants for quiver representations.Abstract

Contributed Lectures/Talks:

Hoil Kim, Kyoungpook National University
-KS wall-crossing formula.
Sukmoon Huh, KIAS
-Lectures on Vector Bundles. Ref.: Vector bundles on Complex Projective Spaces, Okonek C., Schneider M., Spindler H.
Kuerak Chung, KIAS
-Ref.: B.Toen, The homotopy theory of dg categories and derived Morita theory. Invernt. Math. 167(2007), no.3, 615~667.

The Schedule:
Jan. 4th.(Monday) : Departure at 9AM from KIAS.
Jan. 9th.(Saturday) : Departure at 9 AM from Phoenix Park.

*We are very sorry. Unfortunately, we reach our limit. We are no longer accepting applications.

 Organizers:  Bumsig Kim,  Kuerak Chung  & Hwayoung Lee,   KIAS