Mini Course  by  Vitaly Bergelson


Ergodic Ramsey Theory:

Dynamical Methods at the service of Number Theory

and Combinatorics


August 20~24, 2007


Ajou University & Korea Institute for Advanced Study


The lectures will be devoted to the presentation of some of the numerous and multifaceted connections which exist between Ergodic Theory, Combinatorics and Number Theory. We will start with reviewing some applications of the Poincare recurrence theorem to such diverse algebraic results as Hilbert's irreducibility theorem and Dickson-Schur theorem on the solvability of Fermat equation over finite fields. We will move then to the discussion of Furstenberg's ergodic approach to Szemeredi's theorem on arithmetic progressions. Furstenberg's proof was a starting point of new exciting developments and we will discuss some of them, including the polynomial Szemeredi theorem, multiple recurrence theorems for general groups and the role of dynamical systems on nil-manifolds in the study of multiple recurrence. Some of the recent results rely heavily on methods of topological algebra in the Stone-Cech compactifications and we will review some of these methods. We will also discuss the ergodic underpinnings of recent spectacular theorem of Green and Tao on arithmetic progressions in primes and its recent polynomial extension by Tao and Ziegler. Finally, we will give a review of some natural open problems and promising directions of research.¡¡




621 Paldal-Kwan, Ajou University




Young Ho Ahn (Mokpo University)

Introduction to Ergodic Theory I



Dong Han Kim (Suwon University)

Introduction to Ergodic Theory II



Mini Course by Bergelson

Room 1423, KIAS





Ergodic Ramsey Theory I:

Overview of some classical results in Ramsey theory


Ergodic Ramsey Theory II:

Partition Ramsey theory and topological dynamics



Ergodic Ramsey Theory III:

Furstenberg¡¯s ergodic approach to Szemeredi¡¯s theorem on arithmetic progressions

15: 30-16:20





Ergodic Ramsey Theory IV:

Polynomial extensions of Szemeredi theorem


Ergodic Ramsey Theory V:

Stone-Cech compactification of integers and Hindman¡¯s theorem



Ergodic Ramsey Theory VI:

IP ergodic theory versus Cesaro ergodic theory

15: 30-16:20





Ergodic Ramsey Theory VII:

Bohr compactification of integers and sumsets


Ergodic Ramsey Theory VIII:

New trends: multiple recurrence in nilpotent and amenable set-up



Poo-Sung Park (KIAS)

HKK's 2n+3 Theorem for Quadratic Forms (What the Ergodic theory improved.)




Room 1423, KIAS

Thursday 16:30-17:30

Ergodic Ramsey Theory and Patterns in Primes

(See Abstract Below)




Room 1423, KIAS

Friday 10:30-12:20

Open problems and conjectures



Colloquium: Ergodic Ramsey Theory and Patterns in Primes




Szemeredi's theorem on arithmetic progressions states that any set of positive upper density in N contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Furstenberg's ergodic proof of Szemeredi's theorem has revealed the dynamic content of Szemeredi's theorem and has paved the way to numerous spectacular generalizations and extensions, most of which do not have as yet a conventional proof. We will survey some of important developments and conclude with the discussion of the recent work of Tao and Ziegler in which they merge the theorem of Green and Tao on arithmetic progressions in primes with the polynomial extension of Szemeredi's theorem due to Bergelson and Leibman.


Note: This colloquial talk is also given in 621 Paldal-Kwan at Ajou University on August 29, 2007.






*       H. Furstenberg: Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory

*       P. Walters: An Introduction to Ergodic Theory

*       W. Parry: Topics in Ergodic Theory

*       K. Petersen: Ergodic Theory

*       T. Tao and V.H. Vu: Additive Combinatorics





Organizers:          Kyewon Koh Park (Ajou University)

                              Soon-Yi Kang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)


Local organizer:  Poo-Sung Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)


Sponsors:             Korea Institute for Advanced Study

                              Department of Mathematics (BK 21 Program), Ajou University


