Representation Theory Seminar at KIAS, Korea

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2013/09/24 (Tue)

speaker: HyunKyu Kim (KIAS)

time and venue: 11:00 - 12:00, Room 1423, KIAS, Seoul, Korea

title : Quantum Dilogarithm


In this talk, I'll introduce a special function called quantum dilogarithm, which first officially appeared in mid 1990's. I'll first start with some discussion on the dilogarithm function, and then how the quantum dilogarithm function can be thought of as a quantization of dilogarithm. Definitions and properties of some versions of quantum dilogarithm will be presented, with some justification. I will then (very) briefly mention some of the applications and motivations of quantum dilogarithm, such as R-matrix and intertwiner in the representation theory of quantum groups, quantum cluster algebra, quantum Teichmüller theory, link invariant and volume conjecture. This talk is an introductory one (as oppsed to a research talk) and will be made accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of complex analysis.