Representation Theory Seminar at KIAS, Korea

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2013/09/13 (Fri)

speaker: Myungho Kim (KIAS)

time and venue: 11:00 - 12:00, Room 1424, KIAS, Seoul, Korea

title : Combinatorics of q(n)-crystals


The queer Lie superalgebra q(n) admits a quantum deformation U_q(q(n)), the quantum queer superalgebra. From the highest weight module thoery of U_q(q(n)) tensor modules, one can derive the notion of q(n)-crystals. In this talk, we will introduce the q(n)-crystal theory, based on the joint work with D. Grantchaorv, J. H. Jung, S.-J. Kang, and M. Kashiwara.