




Scope and Goal

Recently there have been significant efforts to make connections between the physics of correlated electron systems and a wide variety of different physical systems such as nanoscale structures, cold atoms, and quantum computations. As a first step towards such inter-disciplinary efforts, we bring experts in different, but related areas to discuss the current and future research directions.

This is a rather small workshop encouraging more intimate discussions between speakers and participants.


Venue and Time

KIAS International Conference Hall (First floor), Seoul, Korea  

September 1 (Mon) to 3 (Wed), 2008



Yong Baek Kim (KIAS and Univ. of Toronto)

Hae Young Kee (KIAS and Univ. of Toronto)

Kwon Park (KIAS)


Workshop poster

Click here for the workshop poster.


On-line registration

Click here for the on-line registration.

Participants (excluding invited speakers) are required to register. The registration information is going to be used for the preparation of workshop events such as banquet and lunch.



Copyright (c) 2008 Kwon Park. All rights reserved.


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