updated Oct 11
International Conference on
Lie algebras and related
Henning Haahr
Andersen (
Susumu Ariki (RIMS)
Georgia Benkart
Alberto Elduque
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Jimbo (U.
Kang (KIAS)
Kwon (U.
Lee (U.
Lee (KIAS)
Olivier Mathieu (U.
Miwa (U.
Ram (U.
Toshiyuki Tanisaki
Efim Zelmanov (KIAS, U. C.
Titles and abstracts
Henning Haahr
Hochschild cohomology for
the plus part of a quantum group.
present some computations for the derived functors of
the fixed point functor for the plus part of a
quantum group.
the generic case these results are easy to obtain but at roots of unity the
situation is much more complicated. We shall give some general methods as well
as some precise results for special cases. There are connections to the cohomology of line bundles on the cotangent bundle for flag
Susumu Ariki
Recent advances in modular representation
theory of Hecke algebras
I will explain advances in our field after my book was
I will explain two results on the classification of
simple modules, one by J. Hu and the other by N. Jacon.
I also explain classification of representation type, a
result by the speaker, and generalization of Gyoja's
theorem by Leclerc and Miyachi.
Georgia Benkart
A Look at locally finite Lie algebras
Alberto Elduque (Universidad
de Zaragoza)
Tits construction and Freudenthal's Magic Square
well-known Tits construction provides models of the exceptional simple Lie
algebras using, as ingredients, a unital
composition algebra and a degree three
central simple
construction will be reviewed and extended to get models of the exceptional
simple classical Lie superalgebras.
is joint work with Georgia Benkart.
the other hand, since degree three
construction can be interpreted as a
construction based on two unital composition
even though the construction is not symmetric on the two algebras, the outcome
(the Magic Square) is.
more symmetric construction have been proposed, based
on the triality phenomenon.
a new construction of the Magic Square will be presented, based on a pair of
the so called
composition algebras'', which provide very simple formulas for triality.
Jimbo (U.
Form factors
and representations of $U_{\sqrt{-1}}(\widehat{sl}_2)$
fields in massive integrable quantum field theory are
described by a tower of meromorphic functions called
form factors. One of the basic issues is to classify all local operators in the
theory and establish a one-to-one correspondence with those in the limiting
conformal field theory.
report some recent progress on this topic, based on representations of the
quantum affine algebra $U_q(\widehat{sl}_2)$
at $q=\sqrt{-1}$. This is a joint work with T.Miwa, Y.Takeyama, E.Mukhin, B.Feigin and M.Kashiwara.
Kang (KIAS)
We develop the crystal basis theory for quantum
generalized Kac-Moody algebras.
For a quantum generalized Kac-Moody
algebra $U_q$, we first introduce the category $O_{int}$ of $U_q$-modules
and prove its semisimplicity. Next, we define the
notion of crystal bases for $U_q$-modules in the
category $O_{int}$ and for
the subalgebra $U^{-1}_q$. We then prove the tensor
product rule and the existence theorem for crystal bases.
Finally, we construct the global bases for $U_q$-modules in the category $O_{int}$ and for the subalgebra $
U^{-1}_q $.
Kwon (U.
We generalize the classical method of abacus in the
theory of partitions to the case of the crystal bases of Fock
space representations of quantum affine algebras. We establish a natural bijection
between the crystal basis of a Fock space and a
certain product of partitions sets, and hence compute a string function of the
corresponding basic representation in a combinatorial way.
Lee (KIAS)
We introduce new realizations of higher level perfect
crystals and crystal graphs of quantum affine algebras, using combinatorics of Young walls. The notions of slice and
splitting of blocks play crucial roles in the constructions.
Lee (U.
Spherical Hecke algebras of algebraic
groups over 2-dimensional local fields
The theory of higher local fields was launched by K. Kato and A.
N. Parshin independently in the attempt of
generalizing the class field theory. An example of algebraic groups over
2-dimensional local fields is a p-adic loop group,
whose central extension is a Kac-Moody group. We will
construct spherical Hecke algebras of algebraic
groups over 2-dimensional local fields and prove the Satake
isomorphism of the spherical Hecke algebras. This is
a joint work with Henry Kim.
Olivier Mathieu (U.
About a Grothedieck¡¯s conjecture
Miwa (U.
A space of coinvariants and Kostka
Young-Tak Oh (KIAS)
R-analogue of
the Burnside ring of profinite groups and free Lie
The classical construction of
Witt vectors can be understood as a special case of a construction
which can be defined relative
to any given profinite group in terms of
its (completed) Burnside ring,
due to A. Dress and C. Siebeneicher.
In this talk we will
generalize their works by constructing the R-analogue of the Burnside
ring of profinite groups,
where R is any finite
dimensional torsion-free special $\lambda$-ring.
In particular we remark that the (Grothendieck)
Lie-module denominator identity of free Lie algebras
is closely related to the
canonical isomorphism between the $R$-analogue and Grothendieck's
ring of formal power series
with coefficients in $R$ and constant term 1.
Ram (U.
Affine Hecke algebras, Fock space and translation functors
This talk describes a point of view on the relationship
between Fock space and representations of the affine Hecke algebra of type A which provides a natural
generalization to other Lie types. Applying this point of view in one
case in type B provides of the representation theory of affine BMW (Birman-Murakami-Wenzl) algebras in terms of the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for the affine Hecke algebra of type B.
Toshiyuki Tanisaki
D-modules on
quantized flag manifold
of the quantized flag manifold as a quasi-scheme (non-commutative scheme) has
been developed by Lunts-Rosenberg.
They have formulated an analogue of the Beilinson-Bernstein
correspondence using the q-differential operators introduced in their earlier
paper. In this talk we shall give a version of the Beilinson-Bernstein
correspondence for the quantized flag manifold using a class of q-differential
operators, which is (possibly) smaller than the one used by Lunts-Rosenberg.
Efim Zelmanov (KIAS, U. C.
Oct .20
(Mon) |
Oct .21
(Tue) |
Oct .22
(Wed) |
Oct .23 (Thur) |
remark |
Zelmanov |
Tanisaki |
Ram |
Mathieu |
Jimbo |
Miwa |
Kwon |
Kang |
Session/ Lunch
H. Lee |
K. Lee |
Oh |
Benkart |
break |
break |
break |
Ariki |
Andersen |
Elduque |
Efim Zelamnov (KIAS, U. C.
San Diego)
Hyo Chul Myung (KIAS)
Seok-Jin Kang (KIAS)
Jae-Hoon Kwon (U.
For more information, please contact
H.C. Myung (Opening remark)
E. Zelmanov
M. Jimbo
H.M. Lee
S. Ariki
T. Tanisaki
T. Miwa
K.H. Lee
H.H. Andersen
A. Ram
J.H. Kwon
Y.T. Oh
A. Elduque
O. Mathieu
S.J. Kang
G. Benkart