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 *Satellite Program at APCTP@POSTECH []
Pohang, Korea, July 1 - July 3, 2002.
 Hosted by Prof. Sung-Ho Salk (POSTECH)

APCTP - Science Building #3
Room 201 (Physics Seminar Room), POSTECH 

This program is satellite session to KIAS-APCTP Workshop on Quantum Information,
and will proceed in informal manner to provide a good chance of lively discussion to graduate
students and novices in the field of quantum information sciences.

July 1 [Monday]
14:00    Daniel Gottesman: Quantum Error Correction
15:00    Allan Solomon: Introduction to Quantum Entanglement
16:00    Rober Gingrich:
Relativistic Effects on Entanglement

July 2 [Tuesday]
14:00    Allan Solomon: Quantum Control; Implementation and Dissipation
15:00    Robert Gingrich: Linear Optics and Projective Measurements

July 3 [Wednesday]
Informal Discussions

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