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Keiji Matsumoto (ERATO, JST, Japan)

Presentations: Click_Here_1, Click_Here_2


1. Quantum estimation theory (Introduction)
Abstract :
The theme of the talk is the efficiency of estimate of unknown quantum state.
Before going into quantum state estimation, classical statistical estimation theory is reviewed briefly,
to understand background knowledge. Especially, we put weight on the asymptotic setting,
in which the large number of copies of unknown states are available.
Besides, basian theory and other approaches are briefly introduced.

2. First order asymptotic theory of quantum estimation theory
Abstract :
The theme of the talk is the efficiency of estimate of unknown quantum state.             
Especially,  we consider the case when large number of copies of unknown states are available. 
In this case, error of estimate decrese in the second power of the number of the copies,
and our interest is the coefficient of  the leading term.
In this way, we can construct surprisingly general theory.
Experimental aspects of the theory is also discussed.


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