What "Ph. D." really stands for is . . .
- Patiently hoping for a Degree
- Piled higher and Deeper (after BS = Bullsh..., MS = More of the Same...)
- Professorship? hah! Dream on!
- Please hire. Desperate.
- Physiologically Deficient
- Pour him (or her) a Drink
- Philosophically Disturbed
- Probably headed for Divorce
- Pathetically hopeless Dweeb
- Probably heavily in Debt
- Parents have Doubts
- Professors had Doubts
- Pheromone Deprived
- Permanent head Damage
- Pretty homely Dork
- Potential heavy Drinker
- Professional hamburger Dispenser....."Would you like fries with that?"
- Pretty heavily Depressed
- Prozac handouts Desired
- Pretty heavy Diploma
- Pathetic homeless Dreamer
- Proudly half Dead
- Phinally done!