1. Organizers: Jaigyoung Choe (KIAS), Richard Schoen (Stanford)
2. Participants: Richard Schoen (Stanford), David Brander (Kobe), Benoit Daniel (Paris 12), Mohammad Ghomi (Georgia Tech), Bob Gulliver (Minnesota), Robert Hardt (Rice), Shu-Yu Hsu (Chung Cheng), Hyunsuk Kang (Birmingham), Soomin Kim (Rice), Motoko Kotani (Tohoku), Rob Kusner (Massachusetts), Rémi Langevin (Bourgogne), Yng Ing Lee (National Taiwan), Conan Leung (CUHK), John McCuan (Georgia Tech), Andre Neves (Princeton), Frank Pacard (Paris 12), Manuel Ritore (Granada), Pascal Romon (Marne la Vallee), Wayne Rossman (Kobe), Leon Simon (Stanford), Marc Soret (Tours), Tom Wan (CUHK), Henry Wente (Toledo), Michael Wolf (Rice), Sumio Yamada (Tohoku), Seong-Deog Yang (Korea U.), and tens of Korean Participants.
3. Schedule, Titles and Abstracts
4. Visa The nationals of the following countries do not need visa (for at least 1 month) to enter Korea:
USA, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
5. Hotels (reservations to be made by KIAS for all participants):
Holiday Inn Seongbuk, CO-OP Residence-Uljiro, KIAS Guest House
6. Travel: From Airport to KIAS, From Airport to Holiday Inn
7. Directions: From Holiday Inn to KIAS, From CO-OP to KIAS
8. KIAS Information: Webpage, Campus, Local Map, Local Information
9. Sightseeing: KOREA, Seoul 1, Seoul 2, Mount Bukhan (836m, in Seoul), Temple Stay
10. Korean Alphabet: Hangul at a glance pdf jpg
11. Pictures!