===================== Monday ==========================


Speaker: Jongil Park

Title: The geography of symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+=1

One of fundamental problems in symplectic 4-manifolds is to find a new manifold which was not known before. Even though gauge theory has been very successful in finding a new family of symplectic 4-manifolds, most known constructions produce symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+ large. In the case of b_2^+ small, in particular b_2^+ =1, until now there has been little progress. In this talk I'll review known symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+=1 and I'll present a new family of simply connected symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+=1 which have not been known before. My talk will be based on the following three articles:
1. D. McDuff and D. Salamon, A survey of symplectic 4-manifolds with  b_2^+ =1, Turkish Jour. Math.
20 (1996), 47--61
J. Park, Non-complex symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+ =1, Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004), 231-240
J. Park, Simply connected symplectic 4-manifolds with b_2^+=1 and c_1^2 =2, To appear in Invent. Math. (2004)



Speaker: Shinobu Hosono

Title: Central charges and period integrals in local mirror symmetry

I introduce a cohomology-valued hypergeometric series which naturally arises in the description of local mirror symmetry. I identify it as a central charge formula for BPS states and study its monodromy property from the viewpoint of homological mirror symmetry. In case of local mirror symmetry, I will make an explicit conjecture about an integral and symplectic monodromy property of the central charges. I will also present a closed formula of the prepotential at genus zero. This talk is based on the preprint hep-th/0404043.


=================== Tuesday ==========================


Speaker: Kaoru Ono

Title: Floer-Novikov cohomology and the flux conjecture


The flux conjecture states that the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms is closed in the symplectomorphism group with respect to C^1-topology. This claim is equivalent to that the flux group is closed in the first de Rham cohomology group. I plan to speak about a proof based on Floer-Novikov cohomology.



Speaker: Young-Hoon Kiem

Title: Intersection cohomology of symplectic reductions


The symplectic reductions of proper Hamiltonian spaces  are often singular and naturally stratified with even dimensional strata. In this talk, I present a way to  compute the middle perverstiy intersection cohomology of symplectic reductions by embedding it into the  equivariant cohomology of the zero level set of the  moment map which is computable by the  Atiyah-Bott-Kirwan theory. This talk is based on the following articles:
1. Y.-H. Kiem, Intersection cohomology of quotients of nonsingular varieties, Inv. Math. 155 (2004), pp163--202.
2. Y.-H. Kiem and J.M. Woolf, Intersection cohomology of symplectic quotients by circle actions, to appear in Jour. Lond. Math. Soc.
3. Y.-H. Kiem and J.M. Woolf, The Kirwan map for singular symplectic quotients, Preprint.



Speaker: Martin Guest

Title: Quantum differential equations


We shall discuss "abstract quantum cohomology D-modules", that is, D-modules which have similar properties to the D-modules associated to (small) quantum cohomology. Various examples will be presented.



Spearker: Kyungho Oh

Title: On conectedness of the space of maps to the moduli spaces of curves.

We would like to discuss connectedness of the spaces of maps from P^1 to the moduli spcae of stable curves


Speaker: Atsushi Takahashi

Title: Categories of D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg Orbifolds.


We will give a mathematical definition of the category of D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg Orbifold. We will show that the category for the A_n singularity orbifoldized by Z_{n+1} is equivalent as a triangulated cateory to the derived category of representations of the A_n quiver.


============== Wednesday =================================


Speaker: Hiroaki Kanno

Title: Nekrasov's partition function and (generalized) Gopakumar-Vafa invariants



Speaker: Hoil Kim

Title: Symmetry for quantum torus


We describe the symmetry for quantum tori comparing with the case of classical one. This is a slight extension of the works by Rieffel, Schwarz, Manin etc.


Spearker: Michi-aki Inaba

Title: Moduli of parabolic connections on a curve and Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

We will introduce a moduli space of stable parabolic connections on a curve and will show that the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence gives an analytic resolution of singularities of the moduli space of representations of a fundamental group.



Speaker: Masao Jinzenji

Title: Quantum Cohomology of General Type Hypersurfaces : Mirror Computation  and Interpretation



Speaker: Masa-Hiko Saito

Geometry of equations of Painleve type


Differential equations of Painleve type are endowed with rich geometric structure and related to many integrable systems. Based on joint works with Inaba and Iwasaki on the moduli space of stable parabolic connections and Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, we will try to give a clear and complete pitcture of the geometric structure of these equations, such as isomonodrmic deformations of connections, Backlund transformations, tau functions as well as its relation to the moduli space of Higgs bundles.


=========================== Thursday ========================


Speaker: Hirosh Ohta

Title: Rigidity and flexibility of symplectic fillings and normal surface singularities


The topology of symplectic filling 4-manifold of the link of a normal surface singularity is deeply related to the property of the singularity. I will present rigidity or semi-rigidity of the topology for the cases of simple singularities and simple elliptic singularities. I will also report some flexible aspect for the case of certain singularities of genera type. This is based on joint works with Kaoru Ono.



Speaker: Seungsu Hwang

Title: The critical point equation on a compact manifold

On a compact n-dimensional manifold M^n, a critical point of the total scalar curvature functional, restricted to the space of metrics with constant scalar curvature of volume 1, satifies the critical point equation (CPE), given by s^*_g(f)=z_g. It has been conjectured that a solution (g,f) of CPE is Einstein. We survey and list some of the recent partial results of the conjecture.



Speaker: Kota Yoshioka

Title: Instanton counting

Nekrasov defined a partition function by using the equivariant intersection theory of the framed moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on P^2. I want to talk about joint works with H. Nakajima and L. Goettsche on Nekrasov's partition function.



Speaker: Urs Frauenfelder

Title: Finite dimensional approximations for the symplectic vortex equations


We study Furuta's finite dimensional approximations for the symplectic vortex equations for toric symplectic orbifolds. These are the analogon of the finite dimensional approximations for the Seiberg-Witten equations studied by Kronheimer and Manolescu. We prove that the Conley indices of the flow on the finite dimensional approximations are well defined and their pointed homotopy type is given by the Thom space of the normal bundle of Givental's toric map space.



Speaker: Jinhong Kim

Title: Periodic diffeomorphisms of homotopy K3 surfaces


Every holomorphic cyclic action of prime order on a K3 surface is known to be homologically trivial in a certain sense. One can ask the same question for periodic diffeomorphisms of prime order on a K3 surface, as in the Problem 4.124 of the Kirby's problem list. In this talk we address some recent progress on the question using the stable homotopic interpretation of the  Seiberg-Witten invariants.


==================== Friday ==========================================


Speaker: Yong Seung Cho

Title: Symplectic Cut and its Applications


Suppose that M is a symplectic manifold with a Hamiltonian circle action and a moment map m: M à R . We introduce Lerman's symplectic cut which is a generalization of the blow-up construction. We may apply the symplectic cut to Riemann surfaces to calculate the Hurwitz number which is the number of ramified covering of Riemann surface by Riemann surface. Also the symplectic cut allows us to reprove the Kalkman's localization theorem from the Berline-Vergue localization theorem.



Speaker: Kyoji Saito

Title: The semi-algebraic geometry of the braid groups and Artin groups

It is well known that the fundamental group of the regular orbit space of a finite reflection group (so called the configuration space) is a generalized braid group or an Artin group. In this talk, I'll explain how the flat structure on the orbit space is used to determine the fundamental group.