Extended abstract submission


(all at 11:59 p.m. in US Pacific Standard Time, PST)

Conference format: The program will consist of

·                  invited talks,

·                 contributed long talks (30 minutes each),

·                 contributed short talks (20 minutes each)

·                 Posters.

 By default, each submission will be considered for a long talk, a short talk, or a poster, in this order of preference. (You can choose your preference during the submission, for example, Poster only.) The submission page includes items for, along with a paper title, authors, etc., your preference of presentation styles.

Each submission will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract in a PDF file, describing the original research. There is no format for the extended abstract.(Both 1 column and 2 column are  ok.) But we recommend you to include   main text and references in your extended abstract like a paper. The extended abstract should clearly explain the contribution and its significance within its first 2 or 3 pages. The total length can be up to 10 pages for an oral presentation and 4 pages for a poster.

Contributions can be submitted electronically via the submission website. AQIS’08 uses the EasyChair System to manage paper submissions.


To submit your paper, you first need to make an ID  and log in to the EasyChair System.

The EasyChair submission page is here.


A snapshot of the EasyChair page



* If  your abstract is accepted, you should submit a Camera-ready-2 pages version of your extended abstract until  August 3.

Please see Camera Ready Submission page and Send us your final  version  using our templates via email.aqis08@gmail.com



If you have any problem on your submission, please contact aqis08@kias.re.kr

