2007 APCTP Workshop on

"Frontiers in Nuclear and Neutrino Physics"

Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
Feb. 26(Mon) – 28(Wed), 2007

The Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) is pleased to announce the 2007 APCTP Workshop on Nuclear and Neutrino Physics. The Workshop, organized by LENS (Low Energy Nuclear Science) group, is open for all the researchers and students in nuclear physics and related fields.  The purpose of the Workshop is mainly to provide an overview of the current research activities in Low Energy Nuclear Physics and Neutrino Physics. The Workshop program will focus on the following three topics for current nuclear physics: Low Energy Nuclear and Neutrino Astrophysics, Hadron Physics, and Heavy Ion Physics. The sessions will consist of only invited plenary talks.

The Workshop will be a good playground, where researchers in different fields of nuclear physics can communicate with each other and introduce the current research activities to the graduate students.
The topics will include low energy nuclear astrophysics, neutrino oscillation and its properties, exotic hadrons and their properties with an emphasis on J-PARC physics, and heavy-ion physics.

The official language during the school will be Korean.

Program (Speakers & Talk Titles)

A beam projector will be available with a PC. The PC is installed with Windows only, not Mac. Please bring your presentation files (in PPT or PDFf) to the podium during the Coffee Break before your talk so that we don't lose time for installation of files.

Asia Pasific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP)

Registration and Accommodation
To attend the APCTP 2007 Winter School on Nuclear Physics, a registration is required, particularly for a reservation of your lodging and for a financial support. The registration fee is 50,000 Won (30,000 Won for students). Please register before January 25, 2007 by sending a registration form to tspark@kias.re.kr. The registration fee can be paid at the registration desk on Feb. 26. If you need a financial support for the registration fee, please apply to the organizers by using the registration form. Please Download the registration form.
The location and facilities of the lodging will be announced later.

Organizing Committee
Hahn, In Sik (Ewha Woman¡¯s Univ)
Hong, Seung-Woo (SKKU)
Kim, Yeongduk (Sejong University)
Min, Dong-Pil (Seoul National University, Korea Research Foundation)  (Chairman)
Park, Tae-Sun (KIAS)

Park, Tae-Sun (KIAS)
TEL) 02-958-3758

Last Update 2007.01.31.

